Thursday, November 20, 2008

PT Poker League - Scoring System

I would like to get the ball rolling on the scoring system discussion. It looks like we are now getting 30 or so in the regular PT Monday game. We currently have 11 interested in the league, and I am certain that number will grow as we discuss the league in upcoming PT tournaments.

I want to make sure we reduce the possibility of ties, so I have been giving this some thought.

Proposal 1:

1st - 100 points
2nd - 75 points
3rd - 50 points
4th-9th (final table) - 25 points

This proposal will likely results in numerous ties.

Proposal 2:

1st - 100 points
2nd - 90 points
3rd - 80 points
4th - 70 points
5th - 60 points
6th - 50 points
7th - 40 points
8th - 30 points
9th - 20 points

Biggest issue with this system is that the flat scoring system does not proportionally reward the winner. That said, overall consistent final table finishes should give you a good score.

Proposal 3:

1st - 100 points
2nd - 80 points
3rd - 60 points
4th - 40 points
5th - 30 points
6th - 20 points
7th-9th - 10 points

A mix of the two previous systems. Bigger reward for top three finishers, and proportional rewards for the rest of the final table.

Regardless, we will have to have some tiebreakers. In my opinion, the first tiebreaker should be the average finish position for your top 10 finishes. In that case, for any zero point performances, your top 10 finish positions overall will count.

Please use the comments section below to voice your ideas. If you have another proposal, let's hear it!


shu4040 said...

I like option 3, good mix, and the winner is still getting "rewarded" if they win each week with the normal cash prize.

dubV72 said...

I like option 3 as well.

Basher said...

Yeah I think 3 makes the most sense too.

BigSlick2174 said...

To help avoid ties, you could do what someone suggested on the blog, make the point payouts odd amounts:


Ed said...

3 looks like a good mix.

Basher said...

I think I will be using method 3 as a test case for the next 4 weeks. We should get an idea as to what the scoring would look like a third of the way in to the season.