Friday, January 29, 2010

Season 2 Starts Monday February 1, 2010!

Season 2 of the PT Poker League will start next Monday February 1.

The league buy-in is $20, and is due by the start of week 3 of the league (8 PM ET on 2/15/2010). League standings will commence in week 1 with all those committed to the league included in the standings. Anyone who has not paid league dues by the deadline will be dropped from the league standings prior to the start of the week 3 game on Monday 2/15. Anyone can join the league up to this same deadline, but week 1 and 2 would count as your 2 dropped scores for the league (best 10 weeks count for the standings). All league dues should be sent to me (BigSlick2174) on Full Tilt via player to player transfer.

The list of interested players in the last post is the most up-to-date I have. If you are not listed in the last post and wish to play e-mail with your PT/FT hanldes. Those who have paid are listed below:


Stay tuned here for more updates, and don't forget to play Monday night (or Tuesday).

Monday, January 11, 2010

PT Poker League Season 2 - Sign-up Now!

Season 2 of the PT Poker League will be starting soon, and sign-ups are open! If you haven't done so already, e-mail mblume at with your PT and Full Tilt handles to get on the list.

The tentative start date for season 2 is Monday January 25th, and the season will last 12 weeks. We have weekly games set up on Monday and Tuesday, both nights at 9 PM ET on Full Tilt. The league play will consist of each participants finish in ONE night per week. You can play Monday or Tuesday, it's your choice. If you play Monday, that counts as your play for the week, although you can still play in the Tuesday game as well, the points just won't count. Like last season, we'll throw out the 2 worst scores for each player, so after 12 weeks your top 10 weeks will count in the standings. For now we'll go with the proposed "Season 2 Point Structure", but feel free to chime in on the comments for any other suggestions. League buy-in will again be $20, and we'll use the same payout structure as last season unless someone comes up with a better solution. Below is the list of those signed up so far. Stay tuned for more info to be posted soon...

PT Handle / FT Handle
mblume / Bigslick2174
ridemehigh1206 / Darth Janus
joe0295 /
BKernsie5 / BKernsie
Scooz16 / Scooz16
CoventryGlide /
Carstrucksbuses / AceetobeeA
branagin / indytrinity
Dbn3535 / dbn35
a_million_tunes / woodworker5280
Djones21 / Dwj21
bill_e / saepecos
PhatPhlogBlogger / whitesuckerfish
Smurfsmuddyboots / Skirp
Samrlynch / okayalright3
YMSBManiac / CampGreensky
supermario / supermariopdx
phat_n_phunky / yourfatness
Jazbutis / Drygoods
Dayman43 / boognish43
johnnydeerhead / stingraise
bradderall / bradderall
Psynthetic / Mexicuz
hookahman / Tuni